Private Tutor
I am a licensed N.Y. & Florida State teacher.
I tutor children ages 7-15 in all subject areas. My students are those striving to acquire strategies for taking tests in reading comprehension, grammar, writing, mathematical fluency, computation, and problem solving. My toolbox is chock-full of modern techniques such as Project-Based Learning. I will peek your child's interest and cater to their individual preferences. My 15+ years in the field of education allows me to assess your child and create a program that will meet their needs and ensure results. I am not just another tutor in the mix, but rather a dedicated professional who works alongside parents as an advocate.
Your Child's Advocate and School-Based Coach
My goal as an expert tutor and coach is to maximize the knowledge base of all my clients. I will improve your child's organization, focus and ability to grasp concepts in language arts and mathematics. My philosophy is rooted in building my student's independence by improving their self-confidence. I will function as your support system and become your guide as you navigate the education system. My passion is training new teachers, assessing children and tailoring curriculum to meet school-based initiatives.
I am currently accepting students both in-person and via Zoom. I specialize in assessment, test prep, phonemic awareness, grammar, and reading comprehension in language arts. I am familiar with Fountas & Pinnell, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt(HMH), Wonders and MacMillan programs that are utilized by public and private schools in South Florida. In mathematics, I teach fact fluency along with problem solving strategies. My philosophy embodies concepts of constructivism
which are aspects of Illustrative, EnVisions, GoMath, IXL, Everyday Mathematics, Engage N.Y. & Singapore Math Programs.
CALL OR EMAIL ME FOR FREE CONSULTATIONS I will tailor a program geared toward your individual preferences!
My "One Size Does Not Fit All" method guarantees that all of my students and their families are treated as individuals who have different life experiences. Mostly, we have fun, learn, and ultimately, achieve our goals.
So start today.....Don't waste valuable time. I guarantee results based on my proven track record!
Jean Caserta 📷 recommends Achieving-It, LLC. · Competence, skills, individualized programs to meet the needs of all students. Ms. Polsky is highly qualified and respects the individual students she teaches and/or tutors. She is detailed oriented and makes learning fun and creative. I highly recommend this program. Jeannie Caserta, MS, LMFT (Dec/2020)
Call me for a free consultation about your child's individual needs. Specialize in reading assessment tests and planning tutoring action plans to meet your child's needs. Disccounts for the months of January-February 1st 2025! Act now June will be here soon.
Check-out my video Math Education on Facebook and at the end of this page.